
As with anything new, there are always a number of questions. In our efforts to listen to the public discussion regarding the Hitch Ranch Project, we have compiled a list of questions, their answers, and links to where you can find additional information

What is Hitch Ranch?2022-05-04T04:44:19+00:00

Hitch Ranch is a new residential community in Moorpark.  The development will provide critically needed housing, infrastructure improvements, preserve open space areas and provide new opportunities for public recreation, in four distinct neighborhoods.

What does Hitch Ranch contribute to Moorpark?2022-05-04T04:58:31+00:00

Housing!  A variety of housing types and densities to meet the needs of the Moorpark housing market will be available in Hitch Ranch.  A range of housing types allows Moorpark residents to have housing options as needs may change over time.  Beginning with buying or renting your first home, moving-up to a larger family home and later downsizing to a smaller home allows Moorpark residents to remain connected to family and friends in the Hitch Ranch neighborhood and greater Moorpark community.  Hitch Ranch includes a total of 755 new homes that include:

  • 427 single-family homes
  • 193 Multi-family homes
  • 135 Affordable apartments (low and very low-income residents)

Hitch Ranch includes not only built homes but a donation of 23.44 acres of land by the developer  for the City to pursue future development of an affordable housing.

In addition to increasing the supply of housing, new residents will contribute to the vitality of the local economy and contribute to a property tax base to support public services.  Hitch Ranch residents enjoying local shopping, dining and entertainment options in Moorpark increase revenues to the City and local job opportunities for local residents and strengthen the local economy.  In addition to local economic benefits, an increase in new families also supports local public-school enrollments.

Will the environment be protected?2022-05-04T04:59:43+00:00

Protecting the environment and sustainability are important values of Comstock Development.  In accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City of Moorpark required preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to thoroughly evaluate Hitch Ranch to identify potential impacts to the environment and to provide required mitigation measures to reduce potential impacts. The Hitch Ranch EIR is available for review on the City’s website at:



Like many California communities, Moorpark is vulnerable to wildfires. How will Hitch Ranch address fire safety?2022-05-04T05:02:10+00:00

Fire protection is a high priority for everyone. A Hitch Ranch Fire Protection Plan has been prepared by recognized experts in the field, Dudek Consulting in consultation with the Ventura County Fire Protection District that prescribes a number of requirements related to fire safety including the use of non-flammable materials for all structures, boxing eaves and the use of fire sprinklers.

Implementation and maintenance of a fuel modification management program that focuses on controlling combustible native vegetation and eliminating combustible non-native vegetation is required and there are additional requirements where development is adjacent to natural open spaces areas. Additionally, the circulation plan expands existing roadways and provides numerous new roadways, providing connections that will improve fire safety to existing streets.

The Draft EIR Wildfire section can be located at this link:


How does Hitch Ranch meet all required development standards?2022-05-04T05:06:48+00:00

Hitch Ranch has been designed as a neighborhood that fosters social and physical connections. The neighborhood has been thoughtfully designed and the project complies with all Design Guidelines and Development Standards identified in the Hitch Ranch Specific Plan. The Design Guidelines and Development Standards are prescribed to ensure that homes reflect a high quality of life

What are the community amenities of the project?2022-05-04T05:27:59+00:00

Open space and parklands are important to the quality of life in the community.  With that in mind, Hitch Ranch has been designed to include the following open space and recreation amenities.

  • Approximately 60 acres of open space
  • Approximately 14 acres of community public parklands for both passive and active recreation use areas
  • 5+ acres of recreation areas for HOA members use (community club house, pool, and private packet parks)
  • 5 Miles of multi-use trails for pedestrians, bicycle and equestrian use
How do I receive more information about Hitch Ranch?2022-05-04T05:31:03+00:00

Please email [email protected] or join our email list my clicking here.

How can I support the Hitch Ranch Project?2022-05-04T21:05:06+00:00

Your voice is important to the City. Here are several ways to express your support of the project:

  • Please consider sending an email and/or letter to the City’s Planning Commission and City Council at: [email protected]  and let them know the reasons why you support the project and encourage them to approve Hitch Ranch
  • Letters to the editor of local newspapers expressing support
  • Speak at public hearings during public comments periods. A brief statement expressing your support is very helpful to Planning Commissioners and City Council members, they need to hear from their constituents regarding matters that are important to Moorpark’s future
  • Social media posts
  • Talk with your friends and neighbors and encourage them to find out more about Hitch Ranch